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Lawn care & Poop Removal, Wellington Heights

If you or someone else need help with lawn care, finding a used mower, and small engine repair in Wellington Heights this is a list of neighbors on the community website directory at Also listed is how they accept payment 😊

Do you or your friends and family need extra money? Do you mow lawns, weed, or landscape? Send a message to (319) 308-8808.

Include name, number, email, and best time to call. Let's discuss a community directory listing and neighborhood marketing posts to get the word out.

Tips for side hustles: Have multiple ways to accept payment available. Popular methods: Cash, PayPal, Apple Pay, Venmo. Older neighbors may use checks.

If you need assistance setting these up, we are here to help. Call (319) 308-8808.

Dog poop removal when the snow melts​

M and M Clean Services

Marco at (319) 432-4527(prefer text or call)

Accepts cash, Paypal, Venmo, and Cash app

Lawn care, small engine repair, and used mower sales

Lawn care and snow removal, small engine repair​, and used mowers for sale

Accepts cash 

Ruiz Family (319) 202-8499 (text preferred)​

Accepts cash, check, and PayPal

Accept cash, check, and the Cash app​

If you need snow or lawn care, small engine repair, and more, please consider hiring locally. Click here for our directory.


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