If you or someone else need help with snow removal in Wellington Heights this is a list of neighbors on the community website directory at www.WHCRIA.com Also listed is how they accept payment 😊
Jackie Pirtle (319) 531-2411 (also small engine repair of equipment)
Accepts cash
Ruiz Family (319) 202-8499 (text preferred)​
Accepts cash, check, and PayPal
Calvin Brackins (319) 491-6044
Accepts Apple Pay, Cash App, and Zelle​
Joesph Freeman (319) 431-3350
Accepts Cash app, cash, and check​
Tim Kimball (515) 445-9206​
Accepts cash​
If you would like to be added to the list send a text or call (319) 308-8808. Please share your name, number, email, and the best time to contact you. Include what types of payment are accepted upon completion of the job.
Do you or your friends and family need extra money? Do you mow lawns, weed, or landscape? Send a message to (319) 308-8808. Include name, number, email, and best time to call. Let's discuss a community directory listing and neighborhood marketing posts to get the word out.
Tips for side hustles: Have multiple ways to accept payment available. Popular methods: Cash, PayPal, Apple Pay, Venmo. Older neighbors may use checks.
If you need assistance setting these up, we are here to help. Text or call (319) 308-8808.
For snow or lawn care, please consider hiring locally. Click here for our directory.