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Beautification Update 3/2023

Welcome to updates for the Beautification Committee, Digital Ecosystem, and Community Gardens for Wellington Heights Cedar Rapids, Iowa #WHCRIA


Congratulations to Ture' Morrow for volunteering to run as the Vice President of the Wellington Heights Neighborhood Association. We appreciate your contribution to the Beautification Committee during the early stages. Wishing you the best moving into your new roll. Thank you for being a blessing and contributing to our community in so many wonderful ways both as a member of the neighborhood and an active part of the city of Cedar Rapids.

Book Houses

A Little Library Project rehab progress video from the summer of 2022 by Kim of the BC. Please, click here to Like, Subscribe, and follow us on Youtube. This will help grow our channel and reach for future projects to include the Wellington Heights Community gardens Seed to Table Cooking Show episodes.

Visit for a google map and directory addresses of our community libraries throughout Wellington Heights in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. New libraries are being added through 2023.

This project is increasing knowledge and accessibility to community literary tiny homes. Including updated weatherization, and roofs as needed using the poor man's fiberglass technique reducing the frequency of replacement. Freshened paint and doors as needed to include increased book circulation with the help of loving neighbors, donors, and local author support. Rehoming unwanted houses, and problem-solving the caretaker's issues within their important role in our community's literary culture.

Free Books

Do you or someone you know have children ages up to five? How about getting free books monthly? Our community is sponsored through the Cedar Rapids Library from the Imagination Library gifting books.

Inspired by her father’s inability to read and write Dolly Parton started her Imagination Library in 1995 for the children within her home county. Today, her program spans five countries and gifts over 1 million free books each month to children around the world.

Click online registration here for free books for little ones today.

City Plans for Community Gardens

What's new with progress from the City of Cedar Rapids installing a new community garden in Wellington Heights Huston Park at 1437 3rd Ave SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403?

The proposal is different from the community gardens being rejuvenated with the help of the Beautification Committee, Master Gardener support, and the WHNA at 390 15th ST SE and Peace Corner at 1449 4th Ave SE in Wellington Heights.

Upon visiting with the city team expressed interest in ways to facilitate an earlier date than their projection, 2030-2033. Wellington Heights scored highest in need within the plan parameters. Browse the plan to understand how the city developed criteria. How we became most in need. Why put us almost last of all gardens?

There is a lot of effort toward the development of possibilities by the city so far. Although disappointed in the current plan the city team is aware the preference is much sooner than projected if possible and asked how we might partner with them for a better outcome. Stay tuned as information becomes available.

At this time our participation includes filling in multiple surveys the city added our answers to the end of the plan overview included in the link. Kim attended the recent open house on March 2nd. Asked questions. Offered support including meeting with Master Gardeners. Hope this can have a positive influence. Dale Todd was contacted asking for his support as a neighborhood elected official.

The future of a city garden is uncertain with as long as a ten-year wait. Given the lack of complete follow-through on the Wellington Heights Plan, the city developed with neighbors ten-plus years ago. How will this next long-term plan fan out is yet to be determined.

The full WH plan is hosted on our website for review and download here.

The concern for a neighborhood described as most in need put toward the bottom of the implementation list is one of a hand full of questions being asked on the follow-up survey and of the city planners.

Hopefully, solutions and teamwork can improve our chances of sooner rather than later with a manageable plan we can all get excited about.

Before and After

The Beautification Committee began garden work in previous years. The fence at 390 15th Street SE is in process of rehab. As are the beds to include Peace Corner. Install water sourcing. Free farmers market. Seed library. And, more to follow.

Before garden fence rehab and renovation in 2022

After including a piece of the original fence from 1994

Bulletin board update 2021

2023 is set to be a great year of more ☮️ ❤️ 😁

Teaming up with Linn County Master Gardeners to create accessible spaces for growing food with and for neighbors is an exciting next step.

Money matters

Do you or your friends and family need extra money? Do you mow lawns, weed, or landscape? Send a message to (319) 308-8808. Include name, number, email, and best time to call. Let's discuss a community directory listing and neighborhood marketing plan to get the word out.

Click here for current neighbor lawn care directory listings.

Tips for side hustles: Have multiple ways to accept payment. Popular methods: Cash, PayPal, Apple Pay, Venmo. Older neighbors may use checks.

If you need assistance setting these up, we are here to help. Call (319) 308-8808.

Diversity in action

The website is bilingual for Spanish-speaking users. Click the country tab (the national flag of the language) to switch back and forth between either mobile or desk and laptop versions. In the future may add more languages depending on the need.

Digital Update

Amazon discontinued the Smile program on 2/20. The donation button was removed from the website.

Would you like to donate? Use the scan bar on the home event page or the button in the footer at

While in the footer drop an email in the box for updates delivered. No SPAM. Occasional info on committees, events like Art in the Park, election news, etc.


We hope you consider getting involved once a year, a few times a year, seasonally, or whatever fits your schedule. Find ways to engage at any level and ability.

We do not need perfect people. Willingness to support building a better community together is the key. Having fun, kindness, and sharing talents are appreciated.

Being a committee member requires three ideals: do what makes you happy, be kind to yourself and others, pick a task, and have fun. If you're happy, kind, and having fun the community sees this. By our example plant seeds that grow and spread joy.

Questions or are interested in helping occasionally and want to keep up with the fun gatherings we host let us know by text or call (319) 308-8808.

Down the Drain

Based on research on Wellington Heights house sewer pipe needs a blog is being written specifically targeting reputable companies that manage indoor plumbing. Sewer clearing. Plus a way to install a new household sewer line without digging up the entire property to install new lines. Complete in about a day. Best of all may cost ZERO $$$ to install. Though must qualify with Neighborhood Finance for the forgivable loan. Check for partial forgivable loans, too. Click the link. Call today for details.

The blog will have the names and phone numbers of those to speak with if you have any of these issues. And, before a 9 1 1 plumbing emergency occurs consider looking into the details to be informed.

Learning pipes don't last forever including Derecho tree loss is increasing root invasion what's a person to do? Learn the basics of sewer maintenance. Pipes are meant to last a limited number of years. Tuning them up with less effort at zero cost is an opportunity to consider. Call or text (319) 308-8808 with questions before the blog is live.

Neighbors are the Best Kinda People

We appreciate your participation in meetings. Whether online or in person. Taking care of your home and yard or your rental. Thank you to those who pick up trash regularly. We regard everyone as a valuable member of the Beautification Committee because our neighborhood belongs to each of us. Any effort, to self-care your property or rental or volunteering with us, means so much.

❤️ Kind regards, from all of us who enjoy serving Wellington Heights. Together we build and grow a better community together ☮️


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Let's connect!

Thanks for subscribing!

Peace Corner Community Garden

1447 & 1449 4th Ave SE

Cedar Rapids, IA 52403

United States

Mailing address: 

PO Box 331

Cedar Rapids, IA 52406

(319) 308-8808 

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Funds donated go to the Wellington Heights community. Please specify for Community Gardens, Beautification Committee, Website, Art in the Park, or other designation

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Made with for neighbors

of Wellington Heights  

© 2024 Kim Phillips Consulting

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